Financial Management

Broad Expertise, an Entrepreneurial Spirit

and Strong Convictions

Our MissioN

Supporting families and entrepreneurs over the long term to align their wealth with their goals and projects:

  • Structuring financial wealth entrusted to our management
  • Growing savings
  • Generating additional income
  • Preparing for retirement
  • Optimizing treasury management for holding companies and SMEs

Our Investment Vehicles

  • Banking options (PEA, securities accounts, PEA-PME)
  • Life insurance contracts (French/Luxembourg jurisdictions)
  • Dedicated funds
  • PER (Retirement Savings Plan)

Our Principles

  • Capital Appreciation: The cornerstone of our approach
  • Alignment of Interests: Ensuring that managers’ interests align with those of our clients
  • Transparency:
    • Clients are informed of all costs (direct and indirect) associated with management during the first meeting
    • Real-time access to detailed portfolio information
  • Independence and Integrity: Independent management with no conflicts of interest
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit and Strong Convictions: Reflected in our management decisions
  • Responsible Investment Approach

Our Investment Strategy

  • Access to a selection of international and thematic funds
    Investment vehicles that are simple to analyze and understand
  • A long-term investment perspective to avoid market noise and rumors
  • A fundamental approach focused on companies and promising future themes
  • Flexible and responsive management to adjust to varying market risks