Financial Management
Financial Management
Broad Expertise, an Entrepreneurial Spirit
and Strong Convictions
Our MissioN
Supporting families and entrepreneurs over the long term to align their wealth with their goals and projects:
- Structuring financial wealth entrusted to our management
- Growing savings
- Generating additional income
- Preparing for retirement
- Optimizing treasury management for holding companies and SMEs
Our Investment Vehicles
- Banking options (PEA, securities accounts, PEA-PME)
- Life insurance contracts (French/Luxembourg jurisdictions)
- Dedicated funds
- PER (Retirement Savings Plan)
Our Principles
- Capital Appreciation: The cornerstone of our approach
- Alignment of Interests: Ensuring that managers’ interests align with those of our clients
- Transparency:
- Clients are informed of all costs (direct and indirect) associated with management during the first meeting
- Real-time access to detailed portfolio information
- Independence and Integrity: Independent management with no conflicts of interest
- Entrepreneurial Spirit and Strong Convictions: Reflected in our management decisions
- Responsible Investment Approach
Our Investment Strategy
- Access to a selection of international and thematic funds
Investment vehicles that are simple to analyze and understand - A long-term investment perspective to avoid market noise and rumors
- A fundamental approach focused on companies and promising future themes
- Flexible and responsive management to adjust to varying market risks