3 years, 3 labels and €300 million in AUM, M Climate Solutions ranks 1st decile in its Morningstar category since it’s inception with a performance of +56.02% vs. +29.39% for the Stoxx Global 1800 DNR*
Launched on November 14th, 2019, M Climate Solutions is a thematic international equity fund that focuses on companies providing solutions in the field of climate transition. The fund’s objective is to combine the purest possible exposure to the theme with proven proprietary methods of fundamental and ESG analysis.
After 3 years, 3 stringent labels (Greenfin, ISR, Towards Sustainability) and €300 million of AUM, we are convinced that companies will be part of the solution and that investors have an important role to play.
We have identified three main investment drivers : responsible energy, natural capital preservation and efficient transport.
Greenfin labelled, the fund is not exposed to stocks in the fossil fuel sector ; we can confirm that our investment process captures the essence of the theme and capitalizes on its long-term potential.
Since its launch, M Climate Solutions generated a performance of +56.02% against +29.39% for its benchmark. It ranks 1st decile in its Morningstar category over three years*.
From a thematic point of view, the most important observation is that investments related to the climate transition must be accelerated, as confirmed by the IPCC report. Added to this is an acceleration of awareness, supported by energy sovereignty objectives in Europe, exacerbated by the new rise in fossil fuel prices since the invasion of Ukraine.
Furthermore, China has recently confirmed its climate commitments and that after many twists and turns, the USA adopted the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), whose climate component is similar to a « Green Deal »
The collective awareness at the level of citizens, states, and companies is growing day by day. Achieving a successful climate transition requires addressing a multitude of challenges. Innovation will play a major role, offering investors the opportunity to invest in a sustainable future.
*data are as of November 14th, 2022 – EAA OE Sector Equity Ecology category – For illustrative purposes : collective investments within the same Morningstar category might have different investment policies and risk/reward profiles.
November 2022 – Advertisement : The decision to invest takes into account all the characteristics, objectives and risks of the UCITS. It is recommended that before any investment, you would read the KIID and the fund prospectus. The KIID and Fund prospectus are available at Montpensier Finance and on www.montpensier-arbevel.com. Data refers to elapsed years.
Past performances do not represent a reliable indicator of future performances. The UCITS presents a risk of capital loss. It is recommended that the principal, prior to taking any investment decision, study the operating conditions and mechanisms governing the financial markets, evaluate the related risks, and use all means necessary to understand these mechanisms.