Advanced Small Caps Euro
European Equities – Small Cap
"Small Caps: Focusing on four major growth-generating investment themes."
Key Points
- A multi-thematic fund invested in small-cap companies within the Eurozone.
- A focus on earnings growth driven by four key themes:
- Better Life
- Lifestyle
- Smart Resources
- Digital Impact
Inception date
21 december 2017
Legal status
French-law UCITS V coordinated Mutual Fund
AMF classification
Eurozone Equities
PEA eligible (France only)
ISIN Codes
FR0013293099 (Advanced Small Caps Euro IC),
FR0013293107 (Advanced Small Caps Euro ID),
FR0013293115 (Advanced Small Caps Euro RC),
FR0013293123 (Advanced Small Caps Euro RD)
Refer to the Prospectus and the KID for each share class available above in the Documents section.
Investment management company
Montpensier Arbevel
Caceis Bank France
Daily (Caceis Fund Administration)
Refer to the prospectus and contact the bank through which the order is placed.
Investment horizon
Greater than 5 years
Approved for distribution in
Caceis Bank
Transfert agent
Caceis Bank
The investment decision takes into account all the characteristics, objectives, and risks of the UCITS as described in its regulatory documentation: prospectus, KID, and, where applicable, the SFDR pre-contractual document, which should be consulted before making any final investment decision. The figures mentioned relate to past years. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The UCITS carries a risk of capital loss.
ISIN: FR0013293099
Risk Indicator - SRI
The risk indicator assumes that you hold the product for 5 years.
The actual risk may be significantly different if you exit before the recommended holding period ends, and you may receive less in return. You risk selling your product at a price that could significantly impact the amount you receive back.
- Risque de perte en capital : le fonds ne comporte aucune garantie de performance, ni de capital.
- Risque lié à la gestion discrétionnaire : risque que le fonds ne soit pas investi à tout moment sur les actions les plus performantes.
- Risque action : les marchés actions peuvent connaître de fortes variations, voire une baisse significative. En outre, le fonds est principalement (jusqu’à 100 % de l’actif net) investi en valeurs de petites et moyennes capitalisations qui en raison de leurs caractéristiques spécifiques peuvent présenter des risques pour les investisseurs.
- Risque de durabilité : l’OPCVM est exposé au risque qu’un événement ou une situation dans le domaine environnemental, social ou de la gouvernance, s’il survient, puisse avoir une incidence négative importante, réelle ou potentielle, sur la valeur des titres en portefeuille.
- Autres risques : risque lié à l’utilisation des instruments dérivés, risque de taux, risque de crédit, risque lié aux obligations convertibles, risque de contrepartie, risque de change, risque de liquidité.
Les risques sont détaillés dans le prospectus.
5 years performance